Art Major 1

Perspective Drawing by Manfei C.

View of an Ideal City", a painting by Piero della Francesca.

Art Appreciation – Lap 1
Christina Whitt –Instructor

Lesson: Introduction to Linear Perspective
Grade Level: 9- 12 (Art Major 1/Art Appreciation)
Length- 3-4 weeks


Students will learn about and create representational, linear perspective drawing technique including proportion, form, volume, one , two, and three point perspective. The lesson will include drawing exercises, short works, longer, more finished works, and a variety of warm up exercise. Students will also be asked to write a written critiques and evaluation of their body of work (portfolio) for this LAP. Students will also review the work of well known artists and make connections to the relevance of their work to their own.

The Lap will be divided into 4 sections:

1.     Learning/ Reviewing one, two , and three point perspective & Completing exercises related to this.
2.     Name design created using one or two point perspective.  
3.     Observational Hall Drawing using linear perspective.
4.    Short article and questions about perspective.