Advanced Placement Studio Art

Lesson: Self Portrait Diptych 
Grade Level: 11-12 (Art Major 3/4/AP)
Length- 3-4 weeks


Diptych n : a painting or carving (especially an altarpiece) on two panels (usually hinged like a book)

Students will review representational and expressive portrait drawing techniques and materials  in diptych form including composition, proportion, form, volume, symbolism, and light and dark. The lesson will include drawing exercises, short works, longer, more finished works, and a variety of warm up exercise. In addition, students are expected to complete a homework assignment in their sketchbook, following specific guidelines. Students will also be asked to write a written critiques and evaluation of their body of work (portfolio) for this LAP. Students will also review the work of well known artists and make connections to the relevance of their work to their own.

The Lap will be divided into 3 sections:

1.Portrait Drawing Review
2. Diptych Self Portrait